What is Metatarsalgia?
When every step causes burning or aching pain in the ball of your foot, you may be experiencing metatarsalgia. While this term describes a general condition of forefoot pain, it encompasses several specific conditions including sesamoiditis, Morton’s neuroma, and fat pad atrophy. At Southern California Multi-Specialty Center (SCMSC), we understand how this pain can impact your daily activities and quality of life.
Common Symptoms of Ball of Foot Pain
Characteristic Pain Patterns
The discomfort often feels like walking with a pebble under your foot. Pain typically intensifies when you’re active and may present as:
- Sharp or dull aches under specific joints
- Shooting pains extending into your toes
- Numbness in the affected area
- Increased discomfort with weight-bearing activities
Causes and Risk Factors
- High-impact activities like running or dancing
- Poorly fitting footwear, especially high heels
- Foot structure abnormalities
- Weight distribution issues
- Aging-related fat pad thinning
Advanced Treatment Options at SCMSC
Non-Surgical, Conservative Care
At SCMSC, we utilize state-of-the-art treatments including Cold Laser Therapy, which helps reduce inflammation and promote healing of affected tissues. This advanced therapy, combined with traditional methods, often provides significant relief without surgery.
Custom Orthotic Solutions
Advanced Injectable Treatments
Surgical Excellence When Needed
Why Choose SCMSC for Metatarsalgia Treatment?
- Thorough diagnostic evaluation
- Personalized treatment plans
- State-of-the-art therapeutic options
- Long-term prevention strategies
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to recover from metatarsalgia?
Can metatarsalgia be prevented?
Will I need surgery for my metatarsalgia?
Surgical Treatment for Metatarsalgia Pain
If conservative treatments fail and depending on the exact source of pain, we implement surgical modalities to correct the deformity and/or reduce pain.
If you have or suspect metatarsalgia, schedule an evaluation at Southern California Multi-Specialty Center, call 818-900-6480.